Sunday, 10 July 2011

The Plan

Well with my business trip coming up North of the Boarder I am making sure the 40D is set ready for a very quick walk around Edinburgh in-between trains I think I may have 2 hours to take in the best of the city, lets hope the suns out and the rain stays off earlier this year I had a similar trip but it was winter I had no Photography photography plans I walked around the city Like a man possessed and most of the shots I binned.
Why did I bin them, well for one I didn't shoot in RAW so had no margin of error if the colour was wrong that really was it.
So with just the One CF Card the next trip I will be able to shoot about 250 think that's enough for the 2 hours or so eh?
Another thing since my return from Scotland on my last trip, I have become the proud owner of no less than 3 Canon Analogue Cameras! Now if it wasn't so  expensive for me.......... (I  worked out it's about £1 per shot) This includes Purchase of film and processing/printing Max Speilmann so far are the best I have come across

My first expedition into35mm SLR Film for about 35 years was a trip to Chester I then did Liverpool when I got the images on 8x10 prints I asked for a CD this cost an extra £1 or 2  I was knocked out by the images.
The best Laid plans etc if I was able to put any of my shots on my House wall at Least 3 would be up there now, but alas this is not to be so I'll just have to look at them on my FLICKR site .

Well that's aboiut it I'll try and post some shots soon of my Scotland trip (this time I'll shoot in RAW)

Take Care all


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